



心灵终结 Mental Omega

心灵终结是以Speeder为领导者的Mentalmeisters工作组制作的,基于命令与征服:红色警戒2:尤里的复仇的一款mod,简称MO或MO APYR。该mod于2005年发布第一版,由Speeder与Mevitar完成,后来他们组建了Mentalmeisters团队。数年后,Mentalmeisters已经发展为拥有十几名成员的团队,该mod成长为优质的非官方续作并于3.3版本中添加了新的阵营——焚风反抗军。 心灵终结使用了Ares扩展dll,能够在游戏内利用新特性来添加新单位和修改原有单位,使该mod几乎与原版的尤里的复仇完全不同且更适合多人游戏。这正是该mod的目标,成为几乎完美的尤里的复仇。


心灵终结也添加了数以百计的遭遇战新地图和一系列的游戏模式,使得遭遇战和多人游戏更加的有趣。多人游戏主要通过 CnCNet作为联机平台。此外,每个阵营都有一系列独特的原声音乐,由Frank Klepacki, Black Ice 9和World Beyond作曲。

Mental Omega APYR (Almost Perfect Yuri’s Revenge), often shortened as Mental Omega or MO, is a free unofficial expansion pack for Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 Yuri’s Revenge. First released in 2005, the mod started off as a balance modification created by Speeder and Mevitar, who would later grow into the Mentalmeisters team. After a few years, the mod had grown into a de facto unofficial sequel, with version 3.3 adding a new faction - the Foehn Revolt.

Mental Omega APYR uses the Ares Expansion DLL which allows new features to be added into the gameplay by adding new units and rebalancing existing ones, making the mod almost completely different than the original Yuri’s Revenge and more suitable for multiplayer gameplay, which is the mod’s aim to make it perfectly balanced (hence why the mod is tagged as an “Almost Perfect Yuri’s Revenge”).

Mental Omega APYR features new campaigns for the Allies, Soviets, and Yuri, continuing from where Command & Conquer: Red Alert left off and branches into an alternate, expanded universe which spans over 80 missions divided into two different acts related to two stages of the game’s story: the Soviet invasion to the United States and the war against Yuri. Cooperative modes for 2 players are also available.

Mental Omega APYR also features the addition of hundreds of new skirmish maps and a variety of game modes, which makes both skirmish, network and multiplayer games a lot more fun to play. Multiplayer is primarily played through the CnCNet, although Tunngle and XWIS are also compatible. In addition, each faction has an extensive list of unique soundtracks, composed by Frank Klepacki, Black Ice 9 and World Beyond.

Mental Omega APYR is in version 3.3.4 as of September 24, 2018.


共和国之辉是中国MOD爱好者Lord Hero对westwood出品的游戏《红色警戒2》制作的一个MOD,于2001年发行。该游戏在原版的基础上,添加了中国的军队,并补充了有关剧情。《共和国之辉》的广泛流传为《红色警戒2》的推广是有不可磨灭的贡献的。但是,虽然它有推广知名度、发展更多玩家的积极作用,但是它带来的消极评价的影响也十分恶劣。《共和国之辉》严重破坏了《红警》的游戏平衡性,许多了解不深、分不清什么是官方作品什么是MOD的玩家因此弃红警而去,并且这一点长时间受人诟病。当然,纯属娱乐的话《共辉》还是可以选择的。《共和国之辉》是《红色警戒2》的众多MOD中流传最广、影响最广的一款,并且直至今日仍然有许多玩家以为《共和国之辉》就是《红色警戒2》。这一玩家制作的模组在国内受欢迎程度甚至超过了官方原版和《尤里的复仇》。这部游戏是一代人抹不掉的记忆,甚至说几代人,也不过分。《共和国之辉》是陪伴了大多数80后人整个青春的游戏,是一部经典作品。

泰伯利亚危机 Tiberium Crisis


红色警戒2泰伯利亚危机:一款仿CNC3,CNC4的红警2MOD,里面90%的素材(不包括原版)都是仿CNC3,CNC4里的。红色警戒2泰伯利亚危机一共有三个阵营,分别是GDI, NOD和思金人。每个阵营会有三个组(除了思金人),分别是进攻组,防御组,支援组。进攻组拥有强大的坦克部队,防御组拥有强大的步兵(别小看啊)与防御建筑,还有一些打酱油的坦克。支援组拥有强大的空军部队。当然,也有些打酱油的坦克部队。本游戏配置了自动修复建筑,无需手动修复建筑。

Tiberium Crisis will reconstruct C&C3; and part of C&C4; on the old but flexible engine and create a new storyline and factions to bring an end to the Tiberium Age. There are 20 missions roughly resembles the vanilla C&C3; and Kane’s Wrath storyline with 8 original End of Tiberium missions. 15 playable factions in Skirmish including the classic Allies, Soviet and Yuri. The brand new End of Tiberium missions will be fun and will be completely different from the widely criticised C&C4; stroyline. Want to lead GDI to end the Tiberium threat once and for all? Or become a loyal follower of Kane and accomplish his ascension? Or take a massive Scrin fleet and conquer the Earth? The choice is yours.

幽灵计划(Project Phantom)

1952年,当震惊世界的灾难性事件“转移”发生后,人类的历史被永久地改变了。前身为北约的自由世界守卫(Western Defence Coalition)与苏联扩张后形成的欧亚帝国(Eurasian Dominion)展开了世界规模的巨大战争。当世界处于动荡之中时,幽灵组织(Phantom Project)出现了。拥有着尖端科技的他们,将会改变世界力量的平衡…… 幽灵计划是由芬兰人Starkku领导的团队制作的红色警戒2mod,也是Ares平台的产物。该mod以全新设定下三大阵营的冲突为主题,引入了大量的新特色。该mod的一大特点是华丽的视觉效果,各种特效层出不穷;此外,该mod的地形也全面翻新,为游戏带来了全新的体验。

Project Phantom is a freely available (albeit not yet released), unofficial modification for Command & Conquer: Yuri’s Revenge that changes the game into something else entirely. Originally started in 2007 as a modification that merely introduces a new faction and improves the three existing ones, it has eventually evolved into what it is today, featuring an unique universe and story with three different playable factions with all-new list of units, new visuals and audio.

The story of Project Phantom, instead of building on top of or branching from the story of the original game is instead set in it’s own alternate history universe where a cataclysmic event known later as ‘the Shift’ accelerated science and pushed history to another direction from what we all know. North Atlantic Treaty Organization became the military & political alliance of an unprecedented power in form of the Western Defense Coalition, whilst Soviet Union was toppled over in a military coup faciliated using mind-control technology, forging the Eurasian Dominion. In aftermath of a devastating war between the two superpowers, where world is still healing and suffering from conflicts, an elusive group known as the Phantom emerges and puts forward plans that will change the balance of power, and the fate of the entire world.









D-Day is a Command & Conquer: Yuri’s Revenge mod that takes place in France during World War II. This mod features infantry, vehicles and aircraft between the Allies and Germany at the time of June 6, 1944 which was the day that British and American forces landed in France to destroy the Germans in Western Europe until reaching their homeland.

钢铁统治 Reign of Steel

钢铁统治 Reign of Steel是moddb大神出品的一款《红色警戒2尤里的复仇》Mod扩展版,游戏添加了一些CNC泰伯利亚风格的单位和建筑,并对所有单位做了进一步的平衡调整,整个画面充满神秘的色彩。

C&C: Reign of Steel is a re-envisioning of the Tiberian series, so it is completely separate from the original universe. However, some parts are still similar to the original - the appearance of GDI and Nod for example. Because I am not sticking with the original universe I can make major changes to the appearance and feeling of the game.

机器人风暴 Robot Storm


Robot Storm completely recreates the game Yuri’s Revenge. The existing three sides have been dispensed with, and four new sides have been thrown up in their place to dispense a new era of carnage.

All three new sides have their own individual fighting style. NEXUS relies on its mechanical monstrosities, vulnerable to none of the ailments that humanity’s finest succumb to (radiation, poisoning, wounds). The fanatical Freedom League are the guerrilla side, relying on hit-and-run, ambushing and suicidal tactics. The Allied Legion sends forth its mighty surge of firepower, obliterating enemies in a dazzling lightshow of power. Osiris’ Collective brings forth its heavy hitters to crush their enemies with overwhelming firepower.

NEXUS’ robot army comprises of everything from Terminator infantry to the all-new, all-powerful Wraith Plasma Artillery, while the Freedom League battle it out with Saboteurs, Rad Tanks and the Infector unit, which transforms enemy soldiers into the volatile and uncontrollable Garg. The Legion? Well, they dominate the skies with their Vortex Bombers, Cyclone Strike Fighters capable of erasing even the most powerful unit on the field while the Decimators lay waste to all else, leaving a trail of foes in their wake. The Osiris Collective? Resistance is futile as they move in and waste the opposition with their heavy armour walkers and bring forth exotic weapons besides the love for incendiary weapons to purify the infestation…

The stops have been pulled out. Anarchy has begun and only one faction will prevail, decision will be yours which one.

丧命时刻 EASB Hour

EASB Hour丧命时刻(以下简称丧命时刻),是一款适用于EA出品的即时战略游戏红色警戒2:尤里的复仇的非官方扩展包(MOD)。该MOD对原游戏进行了全面的修改,将原版的盟军,苏联,尤里三大阵营彻底替换成了以命令与征服:将军中的相应阵营为原型的美国和中国,外加一个新阵营俄罗斯。本mod的剧情设定在命令与征服:将军的资料片绝命时刻的结局之后,考虑到将军2已经彻底停止开发,本mod也可以算是一个非官方的绝命时刻故事续集。

幻想奇遇 Fantasy Adventure

《幻想奇遇》(Fantasy ADVENTURE,下文简称FA)是由Uranusian所带领的机械科技(Mechanical Technology)制作的PC平台游戏《命令与征服:红色警戒2之尤里的复仇》的非官方拓展模组。



C&C Reloaded aims to merge Yuri’s Revenge with Firestorm. No tiberium silos required for Tiberian Sun factions to store Tiberium. Also it added many new units and buildings, such as Obelisk of Darkness, Gun Turret, Yuri Service depot, GDI and Nod Naval Units. The mod enables some Tiberian Sun units like Cyborg Commando, Mammoth Mk.II to gain veterancy. RA2 country selection is disabled as the countries are merged with their respective factions (as stated below). Note that GDI and/or Nod war factories cannot build air units from Version 1.3.0 onwards because TS war factories don’t have the openable roof for sending out air units.


Remember that old wireframe-graphics arcade game from the ’80s called Battlezone? Ever wonder what it would be like if it were top-down and had more than one tank? Well here’s my answer: C&C: Battlezone! This total-conversion project, begun in May 2009, is just for single and multiplayer skirmish; there is no campaign to speak of. It’s fast intense wireframe simulation combat in the air and on land between ground forces and bases. Skirmish modes include Classic Mode: only units straight out of the arcade game are buildable; Standard Mode: Two tank types, infantry, aircraft, and base defenses are buildable; and Advanced Mode: Infantry can garrison neutral structures across the custom-made maps, and new units are buildable, such as Gunships and APCs. The AI is also a challenge even on easy, making good use of rush and flank attacks. The project also includes ten all-original soundtracks and many specially-crafted maps.

世界轴承 World Axletree

《世界轴承》(英文名:World Axletree,简称WA)是由斯卡雷特伯爵和逍遥自在发起的Antimo Project(中文名:锑计划)制作的PC游戏《命令与征服:红色警戒2尤里的复仇》的非官方模组。WA是一款以高质量美工和创意作为亮点的MOD,虽然是以《尤里的复仇》作为载体但是抛弃了几乎所有和《尤里的复仇》有关的东西,抛弃引擎来说可以看做是一款全新的游戏。

It Came From Red Alert!


It Came From Red Alert! is a mod that brings the original Red Alert to Yuri’s Revenge. Beta 1 included 95% of the non-graphical coding (weapons, warheads, units, structures, etc.), a lot of the sounds from RA, proper skirmish countries and miscellaneous changes. It also included early voxels for the Artillery, APC, Light Tank, V2, Ore Trucks and MCVs, with others being placeholders.Beta 2 fixes a lot of errors and oversights from Beta 1 in coding and sound departments. It also introduces a lot of new graphic elements.

Beta 2.5 fixes some serious errors in Beta 2.

Beta 3 adds some new features and improves existing elements.

Beta Releases 1 and 2 do not require RockPatch, Beta Release 2.5 requires RockPatch 1.08SE to work correctly and Beta Release 3 requires NPatch SE0019 to work correctly.

Doom Desire

Endlessly roaming through the Space, an alien fleet is closing to a blue planet. Its inhabitants, blissfully unaware of the upcoming threat, are struggling with the chaos they have to face everyday. And yet, it will all soon change. The world will finally become united against a common enemy. The Earth will never be the same anymore. But what will this war bring? Do the humans stand any chance against such a foe? Will everyone willingly join to fight the alien thread? And why, do the aliens seem to look so human-like?…

Global Crisis

It al begins after the arrival of an extraterrestrial artifact that crashed on the south pole, in Argentinian territory. The artifact arrived from a far off place, somewhere in space, with an unknown purpose. What carries inside is a very hazardous material, highly toxic, destructive and radioactive, but also the key to a technological revolution for Mankind. The following events to the arrival are devastating… The United States takes control of all South America, this way isolates the artifact for further study. Years later, the south-american countries dissolve by unknown reasons, supposedly because of the control that the US wields upon South America. Russia and all other nations are afraid that the use of this new material was the objective of the United Nations, and then, starts a full-scale invasion to South America. Soon the invaders discover that South America had become an enormous Tiberium Farm. From this point, Russia and the other nations decided to use nuclear weapons to destroy theese fields, and the result was cataclyismic… the Tiberium got expanded to all corners of Earth, being the hoy zones more affected by the contamination. The world goes into a dark path. Green skies, contaminated water, animals and plants were mutating… And there’s still more… radars detect thousands of objects on their way to Earth…




天马行空的素材超乎所有人的想象。该作品第一次在红警2中引入可动树木的概念,媲美红警3中等特效。游戏进行了地图的重制,全新的地形配置,包含野外城市雪地沙漠,并引入超大地形拼接的切片素材。整体上游戏的可玩性和平衡性获得了加强,拥有更好的体验,有史以来第一次在RA2引擎中使用全新的灯光场景。引入云雾动画,动态alpha光等技术,对引擎能够支持的画质极限进行探索。运行 “大气特效 ON”或“大气特效OFF”即可关闭云雾效果,默认开启。几乎没有使用VXL格式素材,99.9%的SHP为作者全新制作。

红色复活 Red Resurrection







自由之翼与复联总部合作共赢,擅长使用光学武器,远程导弹,无人机技术,立在减少伤亡。 亚太同盟把音声技术结合,打造出强力控场的音波共振武器,并且擅长使用闪光武器辅助攻击。 新十字军保留了欧盟的传统火炮技术,利用生物武器可以进行敌我识别攻击/治疗,开发了更多的幻影技术。 赤色巨熊在西伯利亚研究磁能技术,偶尔开发一些机动性强的四足机甲,而且他们对自己的火箭弹十分自信。 东方巨龙的指挥官擅长鼓舞士气,拯救受伤同胞,但他们的电子干扰技术和火焰武器不是好惹的。 解放联盟为人民的自由而奋斗!他们的作战单位可以边攻击边建造陷阱和炮台,喜欢研究危险的炸药。 尤里帝国掌握着精神武器的核心,架设巨大的加特林机炮阻挡兵海,利用磁控技术阻挡装甲单位前进。 紫色亡魂叛逃了自己曾经的国家,继续开发反人道主义的精神毒气,方便进攻,他们喜欢海陆两用单位。 毒瘴深渊与保护伞公司签订协议,使用大量的生化病毒武器,还有镭射光波与钻地挖掘技术。



Eagle Red

Eagle Red was a mod originally designed for Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 , with later versions compatible with the expansion pack Command & Conquer: Yuri’s Revenge. The mod designer was Eagle, and co-designed by The Phiend. The mod was best known for the Asian Alliance project, which aimed to design a brand new side with new technologies. As stated by The Phiend, “The Asian Alliance will be a new faction, composed of China , Japan , and Korea . Yuri’s technology will be split between the Soviets and the Asian Alliance. The Asian Alliance will also have some new technology”. The Asian Alliance was never fully completed, but was released in the 2.0a beta release. Certain units had either no cameo or recycled ones, and there was some borrowing of unit sounds, but the AA was a playable side. The Eagle Red mod had several other public releases, the most popular being v1.5, the last release to support RA2, and v1.8 for YR, the final complete release.


CRYSIS WARZONE is a total conversion modification with new graphics and assets from Crysis 2 & 3. Players can choose between three sides with six sub-factions in total (two sub-factions for each side). USMC Sub-Factions: CRYNET Sub-Factions: C.E.L.L. - Crynet Enforcement & Local Logistics Crynet Delta CEPH Sub-Factions: Overlord Wrath Enforcer 49


C&C:Invasion based on game engine Red Alert 2: Yuri’s Revenge and powered by Ares. The year is 2056. The alien invasion on earth. Addition information: + new sides and country + few multiplayer maps + sound effects + music + AI logic P.S. Sory for poor English.


《神龙天舞(Dragon Dance,简称DD)》是由AT_Fielder & 红色赛宁制作的,基于《命令与征服:尤里的复仇》的一款非官方MOD。目前的最新版本为2.78(已完结)。此MOD对原版游戏进行了翻天覆地的修改,扩充了4大阵营共计18个国家,每个阵营都有各自对应的艺术风格与背景音乐。科技感十足的欧美联盟,邪恶神秘的法西斯轴心军团,以及铁血的苏维埃和无畏的龙之联盟,都塑造得极为出色。


《红色警戒2:和谐中国》是基于EA出品的游戏《红色警戒2尤里复仇》修改而成的MOD。 游戏一共4大国,每大国分三部分,分别为自由美国(自由美国,东部,西部),赤色苏联(赤色苏联,苏俄,加盟国),精神尤里(精神尤里,月球守卫,尤里之握),和谐中国(和谐中国,网络民兵,有关部门)。









永恒纪元 Eternal Cronus


A story from another time line, a MOD that does not fully inherit the RA world outlook. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the order of the world was further developing.


红色警戒2世纪之战基于Npatch Autumn Edition #0011制作,包含4个阵营:美国、苏联、中国、尤里。中国是完全新的独立的科技树;尤里阵营新增单位有圣殿骑士、无人哨兵机、死亡骑士、兵锋敢死队、大和巡洋舰、尤里堡垒等。各阵营英雄有赏金逻辑,建造速度较慢,但战斗力强悍,赏金数量随等级的升高而升高。











虚幻 Cylearun


Since this MOD tells a story that began in 2072, before one hundred, the allied victory over the Soviet union, and yuri also died in the heart isolation room, everything seems to belong to the allied forces, the world in the United States and Britain and France’s alliance to maintain, maintain the lasting peace, but all the people don’t know, how long the peace can sustain under power.






艺术之泪(Tear of Art)

搭乘恶魔岛时间机器意外穿越到侏罗纪时代的鲍里斯小队没有想到的是,他们穿越所产生的蝴蝶效应已经建立了一个全新的世界… 艺术之泪(作者qq:1506429286)是一种以地图形式在对战平台传播的红警2mod,基于YR平台制作。国家分t1国家(伊美法尤)和t2国家(其他国家),t1国家与原YR相似度极高且作者将努力保证其平衡性,t2国家在大部分地图上弱于t1国家但有整个体制上的革新。大部分国家间的差异都几乎大到本质上的不同,甚至于几乎每一个t2国家玩起来都更像是新加入的全新阵营。




